There are a lot of connections between Andrew Goodwin’s analysis and 3OH!3’s music video. The first is that there is voyeuristic treatment of the female body and a definite notion of looking at females throughout the song. The close up of the lips during the chorus of the song, the provocative clothing the females wear, and the roles that they play all show the voyeuristic treatment of the female body. Especially the medium shot that zooms into the women’s short gold skirt shows the notion of looking along with the actions of her caressing the singer’s face supports Andrew Goodwin’s analysis.
Another way 3OH!3’s music video supports Andrew Goodwin’s analysis is the demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs, which recur across their work. There are a lot of close ups of the two singers throughout the song , and this leads to the artists developing a motif which recurs across several other of their music videos (Don’t Trust Me, StarStrukk). Their motif is one that is fun, and not serious. You often find them pulling weird facial expressions, and dancing without any choreography. They have developed motifs because of the demands of the record label which supports Andrew Goodwin’s analysis.
3OH!3’s music video sticks to the common genre characteristics of pop/punk. There are a lot of close ups of the artists, panning around them like they are in the ‘limelight’, and they are involved in the narrative of the song. This is what usually happens in Pop music videos as they artists develop a recurring motif. The music video is cheesy and fun which is normally associated with Pop/Punk music video, this is shown by the connection between the lyrics and the visuals (when the featured singer Kesha sings ‘My First Kiss’ she kisses her lips). This is a theory that is included in Andrew Goodwin’s analysis.
3OH!3’s music video is quite artistic and I think that bears a resemblance to our own music video, this why I have chosen to analyse it. There is not an overwhelming variety of camera shots, but a lot of cuts which keeps up with the pace of the song. This what we will have to implement in our music video so the music has a connection with the visuals. I really like the changing colours of the background and the changing colours of the objects along with the wipes across the screen using people and the 3O3!H’s emblem keeps the music video fresh throughout. It does offer some repetitiveness but ultimately it keeps the view entertained throughout which the uses and gratifications theory says that a media text should do.
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