22 Mar 2011

Representation of the People within our Music Video

Our music video focuses on the band performance and the lips with the colourful background so we don't focus on the representation of the people heavily. Although we tried to represent the band using a typical indie style.

A typical indie look would be wearing skinny jeans and shoes like plimsolls or converse, we portrayed the band in an 'indie light' with the clothes they wore. All the band wore skinny jeans which is a stereotypical symbol of indie bands. Furthermore, the different types of footwear the band are wearing are plimsolls and Converses which are items also commonly associated with the 'indie' genre. We tried to use colour throughout the video therefore we decided to get the band to wear bright coloured tops.

Another way our music video offers a representation of people is the stop motion narrative we include of the girl slapping the boy. Both the actor and the actress's clothing can stereotypically be seen as 'indie'. Also they are both teenagers this is because we tried to represent our target audience using the actor and actress.

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