In our media rooms we were lucky enough to have access to Apple Macs which made the whole process much easier. We used the Macs throughout to access editing programs and produce the music video. All of our research, planning and construction were helped along by the use of the Macs. It allowed us to access Blogger, the Internet and editing programmes such as Final Cut Express amongst others.
Final Cut Express was the main editing program we used on the Macs. We transferred all of our footage from the camera by using the ‘log and transfer’ function which put the actual piece of footage onto the Mac. This meant we could go through and put our footage into a sequence and work with it. To do this we chose the clips we wanted and dragged them onto the timeline while choosing to shorten parts that we did not need. We managed to change the colour of the background in the chorus and split the screen into four parts. Without Final Cut Express we would have had to use an inferior program which would not have been able to create a professional, clean looking product like the music video.
Photoshop was another editing program we used, but for the CD and DVD cover rather than the music video. Photoshop is a professional program which allows us to create a professional product. Photoshop provides many tools which other programs such as paint do not which only increased the cover’s strength. By saving in the highest quality format we were able to produce a good looking CD and DVD cover.
To shoot our music video we used Sony HD cameras which were very good quality. We used a tripod rather than shooting it handheld which contributed to getting well framed and steady shots. Without these two, the final product would not have looked as clean and professional. The cameras had a long battery life so we could film for long periods of time without having to charge them. This was a benefit as most of our locations were outside so we did not have access to a power source.
We used to post about the stages we went through with this project and to track the progress. We decided to mainly write directly into blogger as the formatting occasionally messed up if it was copied from word. To counter the messed up posts we had to edit the HTML code. Blogger allowed us to access our project from wherever we were whether it was at home or on different PC’s at school. This meant we could do the blog whenever rather than it having to be on one computer.

The Internet was the main technology in our research. YouTube let us watch and analyse music videos which was essential in our research. This helped us understand what the conventions of music videos are and what makes them successful. YouTube also helped us evaluate our work as we could view it at any time once we had uploaded it. Through Wikipedia and Google we looked into successful directors and companies who made music videos. This gave us a good insight in what we should be looking to produce for our project.